N-power Shortlisted Candidates Coming Soon... Check Out Conditions | WELCOME

N-power Shortlisted Candidates Coming Soon... Check Out Conditions

The N-Power 2017 List Of Successful Shortlisted Applicants will be release in the month of September 2017. N-power next stage after online assessment test is shortlisting of the successful applicants, followed by deployment to state/local government of residence. After deployment comes the verification. So what is N-power verification and where will it take place?
You have done your N-power test and you are looking forward to the list. While wishing you the best, you should get clue to what comes after that.
According to N-pwer support team, here are the processes for this year N-power engagement:
1.    Application
2.    BVN Validation
3.    Test
4.    Device Selection
5.    Pre-selection
6.    Physical verification
7.    Selection
8.    Deployment
By now, you had written your test and chosen your device, hence it’s time to proceed to Pre-selection and others.
It is not clear yet, what N-power intends to do with pre-selection but I assume this stage may not be something significant that, N-power may skip it or join it with other stages after. This stage is more or less short-listing stage.
From experience we know about physical verification, selection and deployment. And below is what you should know about the two stages ahead.

 After short-listing comes verification. And this is the physical checking of the credentials of the shortlisted applicants. The N-power team under each state will check all your academic credentials for the category you applied for. This doesn’t mean your course has to match with catgory you applied for. It means you must be a graduate (NCE, ND, HND, Bsc, MA, LLB, NABTEB) to take part and you must credential backing for what you claimed.
N-power will after the verification, instruct all successful candidates to visit their state of residence and the claimed local government for placement. These applicants will report and be placed to sectors they applied for i.e Health, Agro or Teach.
Meanwhile, N-TAX is different. The successful applicants under TAX will be called for interview at Ministry of Finance Abuja. After which they will be placed for work.
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About Legend

My name is Obioma Munachimso J Popularly known as legend. A student of University of Nigeria, Nsukka. I am a lover of information and Celebrity lifestyle, which is one of the resons why I created this blog. Am an Entreprenuer with a bulk sms website known as smstocustomers.com, blogger editor, advertiser, educationist and a computer maintenance engineer. Follow me on all social media as @legendloaded. One love, One Nigeria.
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