It is very easy to borrow money. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that. The problem is just to pay back. Many people will tell you that you should only give out the amount you can forego.
Regardless, even trusted and reliable friends sometimes refuse to pay back. Meanwhile, for those who borrow them this money, there are certain things that happen that they can relate with.
See below;
I do not have money to pay
Some of them can be ruthless and tell you point blank, that they do not have money to pay you. What will you do? You have two options- you have to forgo the money or be patient as patient as a dog.
Nigeria is even owing debts so who are you?
According to the debt management office, Nigeria’s total debt profile is $57.39bn. Wow! That is huge. The debtor may even quote this for you when you demand your debt. They will tell you since Nigeria can owe debts, who are you that cannot be owed? Hopefully, it is an amount you can forgo.
I am on my way to the bank
You call them, they say they will send the money to your account pretty soon. Hours later, you call them again, they tell you that they are on their way to the bank. They lie to cover up another lie. If you call them again, they may just say that there is no network at the bank.
They are never at home
The typical debtor will never say that they are home unless they do not have shame. The only way you can get them is to pay them an early morning surprise visit.
They reign curses on you
Sorry, some of the debtors can be nasty. They throw friendship to the wind and reign abuses on you. How much did you borrow me that you are disturbing my life? Their strategy is for both of you to become enemies so that you will stop calling them for your money.
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